Thursday 12 October 2017


Pansexual Pride Dragon

My seed, the one who germinates,
the one who grows smiling in the temple of my entrails,
speaks to me... I listened
the rainbow shines from the radiance of his dreams, it whispers...
my beautiful sprout, my twilight of life...

Today you open to me with a song from your heart,
with your seven colors you define,
and you speak to me from the depths of your emotions,
I have felt, everything makes sense...
I knew... I suspected it, and I am happy...
Wonderful seed that grows, ascends strong and solid,
with powerful roots, of unicorns you dress,
and with the smile of the sun and the rain when they unite in love,
you're reborn... and open

My heart, full of love for you,
thanks you for the extension of your heart in your words,
sincere singing and trust ...
I love your flight, the multicolored flight,
your wings full of light and rainbows,
you rise... to be you
and I am there to see you be!

Nadja Lopez (EtherSpes) ©Copyright

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